ACCOLADES FROM FAMILIES OF SICK PATIENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES - that my research work was insightful and that it gave them good understanding of their disease conditions.
ACCOLADES FROM AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS (ACP): Online newsletter publications about my research awards and achievements, by American College of Physician's (ACP) Janet Jokela, MD – several publications.
Received multiple Email correspondences - accolades from Dr.Alfanso Masi, praising my research work as impressive and that it would have a positive impact on patient care.
Dr. Masi, a University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria (UICOMP) Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, received the coveted Townsend Harris Medal from The City College of New York for his outstanding postgraduate achievements. Dr. Masi, a 1951 graduate of CCNY and a longtime Head of Medicine and Chief of Rheumatology at UICOMP, has a long history of commitment to scholarship benefiting patients and in support of students.
He pioneered clinical-epidemiological research of rheumatic diseases. In fact, Dr. Masi continues teaching and has active research in several areas of rheumatic diseases, including ankylosing spondylitis (AS). He has pioneered scholarship and research in the physical entity of human resting muscle tone.
Named a Master of The American College of Rheumatology in 2000 (one of the highest honors the College can bestow a member), Dr. Masi currently has well over 200 publications indexed in PubMed and has published an equivalent number of abstracts, book chapters, letters to editors, and other commentary.
He joins a list of distinguished recipients of the Townsend Harris Medal that include polio vaccine inventor Jonas Salk, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Pulitzer Prize winner Oscar Hijuelos, and Nobel Laureate Herbert Hauptman.
Dr. Masi was recognized for his 38 years of service to UICOMP, including his outstanding contributions to medical education and literature, at a retirement reception held Nov. 28
Email correspondence from Dr. Graumlich congratulating the successful publications of my impressive research work.
Dr. Graumlich is Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology and Chair, Department of Medicine, at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria. He earned his BA degree from Duke University and his MD degree from Vanderbilt University. He was awarded a Health Professions Scholarship from the US Army to complete his medical training. He performed his internal medicine training at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Dr. Graumlich practiced general internal medicine for several years in military and civilian settings. Then he returned to academic medicine to complete a fellowship in clinical pharmacology sponsored by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
His clinical pharmacology training included clinical and research work at the National Institutes of Health, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and Walter Reed Army Medical Center. During his fellowship, Dr. Graumlich worked as a medical reviewer in the Division of Cardio-renal Drug Products at the FDA. Dr. Graumlich conducts research in the areas of hypertension, cardiovascular outcomes, and health literacy.
His recent research was funded by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the National Institutes of Health.